Crystal Ink

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A Gift

This new year feels different. And I get to say that as it will be the last of my 40's.

I have been sensing uneasiness within both my personal and virtual connections. Around the world, we have endured over seven years of unease and disruption socially, politically, and environmentally. One could say our collective unconscious is beyond stressed out.

So any standard resolution seems only to flicker and blow out quickly within this windstorm of change we find ourselves in.

I want to offer an alternative outlook to consider:

Each day you wake up is a gift. 

Yes, the world isn’t perfect.

Yes, yours and everyone else’s life has its own challenges.

But, you in this moment will always be yours to do with what you want.

Consider every choice and action a perfectly shaped skipping stone that you get to choose which pool to throw it in, and know that your efforts will ripple.

Your choices and actions are skipping stones. Some are perfectly formed, and others not so much. But choosing the one that feels right at that moment is vital. For me, making lists of these is how I use the myWeek as a tool to manage what life throws at me so I can keep my head above water some days and others ride the wave. 

I mean, who doesn’t love a good metaphor!